We want to make 2019’s Fair one to remember as we celebrate Larcum Kendal’s 300th birthday on Street Fair Day, 21st September. Kendal was a pioneer of watchmaking, making a copy of John Harrison’s first chronometer which was used by Captain Cook to aid accurate navigation on his second major voyage.
So, this year’s theme will be ‘Time’…
If you are able and willing, then please do come along to the Cornbury Room behind the Bell on Saturday 26th January at 5PM. We’d like volunteers to bring fresh ideas as well as to help with the Quiz (23rd March) and Open Gardens (16th June) events. Some ideas could include street-by-street events and a Fun Run and extra pairs of hands to arrange extra events will be most welcome!
The Committee isn’t about long meetings and talking – it is a nice way of meeting people in Charlbury, helping the community and raising money for the Corner House and the Memorial Hall. Above all, it makes the most entertaining days for the whole town happen!
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday.
John Dora
Chair, CSF Committee